We use an online system called UKG Ready to complete paperwork. You should receive an email after you have been accepted with a username and password to access this account. We greatly appreciate you finishing this paperwork before your first day! Contact your Enrollment Specialist/Program Coordinator if you have any issues or questions about the UKG system. Please bring your original IDs on your first day.
What kind of training will I receive?
The project partner will provide all necessary trainings.
What are the rules on tobacco use?
The use of tobacco products is allowed outside of work hours and in designated areas only. The use of tobacco products (including smokeless tobacco, vape, and e-cigarettes) on the work site and communal living spaces is prohibited. Talk to your site supervisor about designate smoking sites.
Can I contact my friends and family in the field?
Contact your site supervisor regarding cell phone use during work hours and while out in the field.
What if there is an emergency in the field?
If you encounter an emergency during your internship, contact your site supervisor first and SECC second. SECC provides workman's compensation for all members, not the partner agency. During business hours, you will contact Ray and your site supervisor BEFORE you seek care. Always leave a message. After hours/weekends, contact your site supervisor. Staff emails can be found on our website: Staff | Southeast Conservation Corps (southeastconservationcorps.org) Staff phone numbers will be distributed on your first day.
What are the benefits of serving with SECC?
As an AmeriCorps program, members will receive a bi-weekly living stipend. Following completion of program, members will also receive an AmeriCorps education award. Award amounts are based on hours served (see the 'AMERICORPS BENEFITS' tab to find the "Hours Served-Americorps Awards" table). In addition to the living allowance and education award, members receive professional development opportunities, hands-on experience with environmental and conservation projects, access to examples of partnerships and information for collaborative restoration and community building, and build connections to agencies.
When/how do I get my living stipend?
Your stipend will be deposited in your bank account bi-weekly throughout your term (see the 'Living Stipend Disbursement' tab for more information). You will need to fill in your time-sheet after each hitch when you return from the field. If you are being reimbursed for a program-related expense, the reimbursement will be added to your disbursement check. If you opted out of direct deposit, a paper check will be mailed to you, SENT on disbursement day, and may take a few days to arrive. If you need this check sent to a different address than the one listed on your application, please talk to staff. If you need to change your direct deposit information, please contact staff.
How can I use my AmeriCorps education award?
Upon successful completion of your term, you will receive the AmeriCorps Education Award. You will be able to access this award through the my.americorps.gov website. It is distributed like a grant and will count as income on your taxes for the year in which you use it. More information can be found on Conservation Legacy's Resource Page and on the "AMERICORPS BENEFITS" tab. The Education Award may take about a month after your term ends to become available to you.
How does the schedule work?
Individual Placement schedules vary depending on the agency you are working with. Most schedules are Monday - Friday, 8 hour days. This will vary depending the projects you are assigned to do. Your site supervisor will update you on schedule variations.
Is Housing Provided During My Term?
Most agencies we partner with do offer dorm-style housing for Individual Placement members. Your site supervisor will have more information regarding housing.
I'm worried about my finances during my term - is there any support available?
Yes! Assistance is available from several places. Please see the Member Assistance tab for more information on these resources!
Patricia Sagawa Corpsmember Relief Fund - Available through The Corps Network. Members can apply for up to $500 in short term relief to help them complete their term of service.
Our Employee & Member Assistance Program, UNUM, can provide free sessions with a financial counselor
If you need an advance on your paycheck, please contact staff.